We all need to advertise, its how we let others know that we are out there. We also have all been on the other side too - in need of a product and service. What do people do ? Most turn to the internet or open the yellow pages. As a roofing contractor and someone who as been in the business a long time, I always scan the yellow pages to look at all the ads. Its an ever changing landscape. The Cape has three Verizon Directories and as well as two other directories (Yellow Book & Yellow Pages of Cape Cod). The Verizon directory always has 27-32 listings for roofers. If you go back five years half of the companies have turned over. Go back ten years and about a forth of the current advertisers were listed. We are one of four who have been listed in the Yellow Pages twenty five years ago.
Another interesting item to note is the claims that companies make. Many contractors use and list manufacture logos, implying that they are certified. However, once the yellow pages are published, its impossible to correct the error and large manufactures do not resources to fact check each directory in all 50 states.
I've also seem contractors advertise services that I know they could not possible provide. The main culprit being tar & gravel. I am 99% sure that no tar kettles exist on Cape Cod anymore. We had the last one, which we sold about 8 years ago. So question any ads that claim they install tar & gravel roofs - its a classic bait and switch. They will tell you they can give you a better price on a rubber roof.
its not just roofing, Ive seen ads from plumbers, electricians and landscapers to mention a few. I don't mean to sound cynical. The average consumer probably wouldn't notice and maybe doesn't care, but take care when choosing a contractor based on claims and statements in ads and put more weight on established time-proven companies.