Stanley, one of our residential roof installers recently took some time off to visit and aid in the rescue of earthquake victims in Haiti. Being bi-lingual he was able to offer translation services and help officials with communication. Having returned, he is now organizing a food and clothing drive.
Its easy to help and requires no money. Simply go thru your closets and bring us any clothes you no longer need, want, or can fit into. Keep in mind that its a tropical climate and light duty / summer type clothing is needed most.
Do the same with your food pantry. If your on a diet and have stopped eating pasta - bring it by. Certain flavors of baby food your kids don't like, or clearing our your cabinets for a kitchen remodel, whatever the reason - any non-perishable - easy to cook and/or consume food product will be greatly appreciated. The basics are best - Rice, beans, pasta, soup, etc.
Donations may be dropped off at our office locations M-F from 7-3 pm
Address are:
1031 Main Street, Osterville
22 Giddiah Hill Road, Orleans
Any questions - call us @ 508-428-1177
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